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Table 3 Equivalence between symptoms in UK and US Studies*

From: Dichotomous factor analysis of symptoms reported by UK and US veterans of the 1991 Gulf War

UK Study

US Study

Irritability/outburst of anger

Irritability or moodiness





Sleeping difficulties

Difficulty or problems to sleep

Forgetfulness OR Loss of concentration

Difficulty remembering or concentrating

Joint stiffness

Joint stiffness

Flatulence or burping OR Stomach cramp

Gas, bloating, cramps or abdominal pain

Pain without swelling or redness in several joints

Joint pain

Chest pain

Chest pain

Night sweats that soak the bed sheets

Night sweats that soak your bed sheets

Sore throat

Sore throat

Numbness or tingling in fingers or toes

Numbness or tingling in fingers or toes




Diarrhea (3 or more loose bowel movements in 24 hours)

Unintended weight gain greater than 10 lbs

Unintended weight gain greater than 10 lbs

Loss of interest in sex

Decreased sexual interest



Feeling short of breath at rest

Shortness of breath

Persistent cough


Feeling disoriented

Episodes of disorientation

Feeling feverish


Nausea OR Vomiting

Nausea or Vomiting

Unintended weight loss greater than 10 lbs.

Unintended weight loss greater than 10 lbs.

Diagnostic Criteria for Anxiety Disorder† Feeling distant or cut off from others OR Feeling jumpy/easily startled OR Unable to breathe deeply enough OR Tingling in legs and arms OR Rapid heartbeat OR Shaking OR Faster breathing than normal OR Lump in throat


16 could not find equivalent: Avoiding doing things/situations, Tingling in fingers and arms, Feeling unrefreshed after sleep, Itchy or painful eyes, Distressing dreams, Ringing in the ears, Dry mouth, Increased sensitivity to noise, Increased sensitivity to light, Passing urine more often, Loss or decrease in appetite, Intolerance to alcohol, Constipation, Double vision, Pain on passing urine, Burning sensation in sex organs

11 could not find equivalent: Trouble finding words, Depression, Muscle pains, Hay fever or other allergies, Fatigue lasting 24 hrs after exertion, Swollen lymph glands in your neck, armpit, groin, Inability to tolerate milk, Sensitivity to chemicals, Sinus congestion, Skin rashes or sores, Sores inside your nose

  1. †All equivalent symptoms were significantly more prevalent among UK Gulf veterans than among UK Gulf veterans, except cough and joint pain that were less prevalent, and diarrhea, numbness or tingling in fingers or toes, shortness of breath, and weight gain that were not different in the 2 samples.
  2. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV–4th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 1994