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Table 1 Redistribution methods for garbage codes of death, Iran 2003

From: The burden of disease and injury in Iran 2003

Garbage code

(% all causes) (% garbage codes)

Redistribution method


(8%) (49%)

Within each age group above 59 years and in both sexes, redistributed among 5 following groups proportional to size of registered deaths: (1) Infectious and parasitic diseases: tuberculosis (pulmonary and extrapulmonary), other diarrheal disease, typhoid fever, other intestinal infections, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, viral hemorrhagic fevers, hydatid cyst, anthrax, other infectious and parasitic diseases; (2) Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism: anemias, other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs; (3) Unintentional injuries: all causes except transport accidents, burns, and drowning; (4) Intentional self-harm: only suicides with chemicals, drugs, opium, and homicide; (5) All causes within the following chapters: neoplasms; endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases; mental and behavioral disorders; diseases of the nervous system; diseases of the circulatory system; diseases of the respiratory system; diseases of the digestive system; diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue; diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue; and diseases of the genitourinary system. Death registration software does not permit entry of senility for persons younger than 60 years of age.

Unspecified causes of death (4%) (27%)

Within each age and sex group, redistributed among registered causes proportional to size of registered deaths for each cause.

Heart failure

(1%) (8%)

Within each age and sex group, redistributed between 2 ICD-10 chapters proportional to size of their registered deaths: (1) Some diseases of the circulatory system, and (2) Some diseases of the respiratory system.

'Under investigation' (0.7%) (4%)

Within each age and sex group, redistributed among registered causes proportional to size of registered deaths for each cause.


(0.5%) (3%)

Within each age and sex group, redistributed among 6 ICD-10 chapters proportional to size of their registered deaths: (1) Infectious and parasitic diseases, (2) Some diseases of the digestive system, (3) Some of the neoplasms, (4) Some diseases of the respiratory system, (5) Some of the conditions originating in the perinatal period, and (6) Some of the causes related to pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium.

Unspecified neoplasms

(0.5%) (3%)

Within each age and sex group, redistributed among the neoplasms chapter proportional to size of registered deaths for each code.

Other ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality

(0.4%) (2%)

Within each age and sex group, redistributed among registered causes proportional to size of registered deaths for each cause.

Mental retardation

(0.2%) (1%)

Within each age and sex group, redistributed among registered causes proportional to size of registered deaths for each cause.

Suspected homicide

(0.2%) (1%)

Within each age and sex group, redistributed among registered causes proportional to size of registered deaths for (1) Unintentional and intentional self-harm, and (2) Assault.

Convulsions (epilepsy excluded)

(0.2%) (1%)

Within each age and sex group, redistributed among registered causes proportional to size of registered deaths for each cause.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (without autopsy)

(<0.001%) (<1%)

Within the same age group and both sexes, redistributed among all causes proportional to size of registered deaths for each code.