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Table 7 Comparison of assumptions for oral health disability weights by source.

From: Disability weights for the burden of oral disease in South Australia

Australian Burden of Disease and Injury Study

Burden of Oral Disease Study(a)


% of time

% of cases

Denture problems

%(± se) of time

%(± se) of cases

Moderate pain

25% of time

10% of cases

Moderate pain

33 ± 6% of time

38 ± 10% of cases

Moderate anxiety

25% of time

10% of cases

Moderate anxiety

(1)34 ± 10% of time

(1)22 ± 7% of cases

Periodontal disease

% of time

% of cases

Periodontal disease

%(± se) of time

%(± se) of cases

Moderate pain

10% of time

10% of cases

Moderate pain

30 ± 8% of time

32 ± 8% of cases


% of time



%(± se) of time

Duration (± se)

(a) filling


(a) all caries


Moderate pain

20% of time

2 months

Moderate pain

34 ± 5% of time

(1)29 ± 9 months

Moderate anxiety

20% of time

2 months

Moderate anxiety

34 ± 10% of time

(1)13 ± 5 months

(b) extraction


(b) all caries


Extreme pain

20% of time

2 weeks

Extreme pain

59 ± 14% of time

(2)50 ± 23 weeks

Moderate anxiety

20% of time

2 weeks

Moderate anxiety

34 ± 10% of time

(1)51 ± 18 weeks

  1. (a): Estimates are reported specific to level of problem (eg, moderate), dimension (eg, pain) and condition (eg, caries)
  2. (1): Relative standard error = 30–39%
  3. (2): Relative standard error = 40–49%