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Table 2 Completeness of responses to questions regarding termination of pregnancy in the EN-INDEPTH survey

From: Termination of pregnancy data completeness and feasibility in population-based surveys: EN-INDEPTH study

Index question

No. of responses made

Base question

No. of expected responses

Completeness of responses (%)


 a. Roster TOP questions (Bandim, Dabat, Iganga-Mayuge, Kintampo, Matlab)—Directly eliciting information as to whether pregnancies of babies born dead or lost before birth had been tampered with

  Did you or someone else do something to end this pregnancy? (yes/no)


RQ1: Was the “rostertitle” born alive, born dead, or lost before birth? (alive/dead/lost before term)


6044/6064 = (99.7%)

The base question focused on those born “dead or lost before term”

 b. New Menstrual Restoration questions (Dabat, Iganga-Mayuge, and Kintampo)—Eliciting information as to whether those who had missed their period did something for it to resume, how and where that was done

 Did you do anything to resume your period? (yes/no)


AQ1: Have you ever had a period that was more than one week late? (yes/no)


3605/3605 = 100.0%

Those with “yes” responses in the base question, answered the index questions over the next three questions.

 What did you do to resume your period? (pill/injectables/herb/other)


AQ2: Did you do anything to resume your period? (yes/no)


455/455 = 100.0%


 Where did you go to get help to get your period back? (venue)


AQ2: Did you do anything to resume your period? (yes/no)


411/455 = 90.3%


 c. NEW TOP questions (Dabat, Kintampo, and Matlab)—focused on those who did not report a TOP at the roster level, asking them of unwanted pregnancies that did not result in birth of a live child. It then further probes the outcome of the non-live birth.

 It is not uncommon for a woman to get pregnant at a time when circumstance would make it difficult to have a child. Have you ever gotten pregnant at a time when it would have been difficult for you to have a child, or when you did not want to have one? (yes/no)


NQ1: Women sometimes have pregnancies that do not result in a live born child. That is, a pregnancy can end in a miscarriage, abortion or the child can be born dead. Have you ever had a pregnancy that did not end in a livebirth? (yes/no)


17,038/17,071 = 99.8%

Those who answered “no” to the base question are those who responded to the index question

 Did you or anyone else ever successfully do anything to end that pregnancy? (yes/no) [abortion over lifetime]


NQ2: It is not uncommon for a woman to get pregnant at a time when circumstance would make it difficult to have a child. Have you ever gotten pregnant at a time when it would have been difficult for you to have a child, or when you did not want to have one? (yes/no)


2870/2870 = 100.0%

Those who responded “yes” to the base questions were those responding to the index question.

 Did you have such a pregnancy in the last 5 years? (yes/no)


NQ3: Did you or anyone else ever successfully do anything to end that pregnancy? (yes/no) [abortion over lifetime]


344/344 = 100.0%

Response is count of pregnancies

 What was the MAIN reason you decided to have this (last) abortion?


NQ4: Did you have such a pregnancy in the last 5 years? (yes/No)


174/174 = 100.0%

Response is count of reasons

 What did you do to end this pregnancy?


NQ4: Did you have such a pregnancy in the last 5 years? (yes/no)


174/174 = 100.0%

Response is count of action taken

Who suggested that you might have an abortion?


NQ4: Did you have such a pregnancy in the last 5 years? (yes/no)


174/174 = 100.0%

Response is count of persons who made the suggestion

Who did you see to get this done?


NQ4: Did you have such a pregnancy in the last 5 years? (yes/no)


174/174 = 100.0%

Response is count of persons seen

Where did you go to get this done?


NQ4: Did you have such a pregnancy in the last 5 years? (yes/no)


174/174 = 100.0%

Response is count of places they went

How much did you pay for this abortion, including gifts or money given to the doctor (or person who performed this abortion)?


NQ4: Did you have such a pregnancy in the last 5 years? (yes/no)


174/174 = 100.0%

Response is counts of payments made