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Table 1 Table of the mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive causes of death chosen for analysis in the US, not including garbage codes

From: Improving the usefulness of US mortality data: new methods for reclassification of underlying cause of death

A Communicable diseases

B Non-communicable diseases

C Injuries

A.1 HIV/AIDS & Tuberculosis

B.1 Cancers

C.1 Unintentional injuries

A.2 Respiratory infections

 B.1.1 Lung cancer

 C.1.1 Road traffic injuries

A.3 Maternal

 B.1.2 Liver cancer

 C.1.2 Other unintentional injuries

A.4 Perinatal

 B.1.3 Breast cancer

C.2 Intentional injuries

A.5 Intestinal infections

 B.1.4 Digestive cancers

 C.2.1 Suicide

A.6 Other communicable diseases

 B.1.5 Lymphomas & leukemias

 C.2.2 Homicide/War


 B.1.6 Other cancers


B.2 Diabetes


B.3 Cardiovascular Diseases


 B.3.1 Ischaemic Heart Disease


 B.3.2 Stroke


 B.3.3 Other Cardiovascular Diseases


B.4 Chronic Respiratory Diseases


B.5 Cirrhosis


B.6 Renal Failure


B.7 Other Non-communicable Diseases


B.8 Mental and Neurological